Oliver Twist

- I will not, sir!
- Hold your tongue this instant.

You're an insolent,
impertinent fellow.

- How dare you bully a magistrate.
- What?

Swear this person.
I'll not hear another word. Swear him.

"I do solemnly swear to tell
the whole truth, so help me God."

- What's the charge against the boy?
- I was at a bookstore when...

Hold your tongue!
Where's the policeman?

Policeman, what is this?
Are there any witnesses?

- None, Your Worship.
- The boy is ill.

Oh, yes, I daresay.
Come along, you vagabond.
None of your tricks here.

What's your name?
What's your name,
you hardened scoundrel?

- Officer, what's his name?
- What's your name, boy?

Some water. Some water.
He says his name is Sam Waters,
Your Worship.

- Where does he live?
- Where do you live?

- Anywhere he can, Your Worship.
- Stuff and nonsense.

Don't try to make a fool out of me.
No, I think he really is ill,
Your Worship.

I know better,
or my name's not Fang.

Stand away, officer. He's shamming.
He stands committed
for three months.

Hard labor, of course.
Clear the office.

Stop. Stop, stop!
Don't take him away.

What is this? Who is this?
Turn this man out.

- Clear the office.
- I will not be turned out! I will speak!

I saw it all. I own the bookshop.
- I demand to be heard.
- What have you got to say?

- It was not this boy.
- Not this boy? Who was it, then?

The robbery was committed by
two others while the man was reading.

I saw it done. I saw that this boy
was perfectly amazed by it.

Why didn't you come before?
- I hadn't a soul to mind the shop.
- Reading, you say?

A book, I suppose.
Yes, the very one
he has in his hand.

Oh, dear me, I forgot all about it.
Well, you're a nice one.
To prefer a charge
against an innocent boy.

I consider, sir,
that you've obtained that book...

...under very suspicious
and disreputable circumstances.

- Damn me!
- Bookseller...

...do you want to press charges
against him?

- Certainly not.
- Well...

...think yourself fortunate...
...that the owner of the book
declines to prosecute.
