He"s in the kitchen.
Keep your eyes open, James.
ln here.
On you go.
- All right, Rob?
- Danny, how"s things?
Aye, not bad. Skint, no job, no girlfriend.
And l"ve been wearing big Janine"s knickers
since last February.
l can"t complain.
lt"s not easy that, doing a woman"s job.
Here, l"ll leave you to it.
Rather you than me.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
Leave it alone, you big numpty.
And try to stay on your feet.
l saw Dad down the pool again.
What"s he up to?
- Swimming.
- lt seems he"s there all the time.
Well, it does him good. Away you go.
- How did they both manage to fall over?
- Practice.
- May we go up to our room?
- Yes, you can.
l didn"t know you had this.
Angela dug it out. lt"s a good sand boat.