Well, you look very fine.
Oh. Thank you.
So, what was the...
I guess we're having
something of a problem
here with the locals.
And, I thought maybe...
You could use a gun hand?
I'm hoping not.
But if you happen
to be close at all, you...
The crew could take
your ease here for a while.
And there'd be payment.
Well, it would be...
I mean, I'd like to.
Kaylee's been missing you
something fierce.
Oh, man.
I miss her, too.
I even miss
my shuttle, occasionally.
Yeah, you left, um...
Got some of your
stuff in a trunk.
I never did get a chance
to drop it off.
I didn't mean to leave stuff.
I didn't look
through the stuff.
I just...
Just sundries I expect.
So I'll send you a wave,
soon as I can.
Thank you.
Inara, nice to see
her again.
So, trap?
We going in?
Only but a few hours out.
Yeah, but, remember the part
where it's a trap?
If that's the case,
then Inara's already
caught in it.
She wouldn't
set us up willing.
Might be we got a shot
at seeing who's
turning these wheels.
We go in.
But how can you be sure
Inara don't just
wanna see you?
Sometimes people
have feelings.
I'm referring here to people.
You all were watching,
I take it.
Did you see us fight?
We're about 70 miles
from the Training House,
and nobody on radar.