"What's wrong?"
And the more you do that, Calvin,
the more it becomes
this self-fulfilling prophecy.
You just need to relax
and not worry so much. Okay?
Yeah. That makes
a lot of sense.
- I'm gonna work on it.
- Yeah. Yeah, you do that.
And by the way, take whatever advice
that she gives you with a big grain of salt.
Yeah, and take anything that he gives you
with a shot of penicillin.
Seriously, Calvin,
do yourself a favor.
Unless you're combing the playground
for middle schoolers,
don't become an asshole
like Monty.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but haven't I been inside you?
- Oh, Monty.
- Oh, me.
You wanna brag about your sexual conquests,
you big stud, you?
Okay, you know what? Fine.
Let's talk about it.
Let me describe Monty's
amazing sexual prowess.
He'd barrel into me with that pathetic excuse
for a child's penis.
And it would end so quickly,
so abruptly,
I wouldn't even have time
to feel any sort of
morbid, accidental amusement
towards his "technique,"
which was basically him
seizuring on top of me
for, oh, about 45 seconds,
while I laid there trying
not to laugh... or cry.
Is it any wonder why you still date girls
in high school?
They're the only ones left.
They don't know any better.
Okay, okay. All right.
First of all, for the record,
I always had an orgasm
when we had sex.
Secondly, everybody knows
that I'm orally fixated.
You can't deny that I played your vagina
like a violin.
Oh! As if that somehow negates the fact
that once we got past foreplay,
you turned into the little engine
that couldn't hold his load.
Oh, what the fuck ever!
If I was that bad, then why were
you at my house every night?
All I had to do was call
and say, "Hey. I'm horny."
And then fucking poof!