- Thirty thousand.- From the Russians?
No, from the French.
From the Russians we capturemore than that every day.
(People Shouting, Chattering)
Mr Postman.
War is war and schnapps is schnapps,and business must go on.
You didn't leavethe mail yet this morning.
Ah, I'm sorry, Mr Meyer.
Hello, Himmelstoss.Anything for us today?
- No, no, Master Peter.- Oh, there must be something.
Here, here you go, young rascal.(Laughing)
There. This is the last mailI deliver anyhow.
- What?- Tomorrow I change uniforms.
- You're going in the army?- Yes, I was called.
I'm a sergeantin the reserves, you know.
I'll be called myself,if it doesn't end in a few months.
- It will, though.- I'm sure you're right, Mr Meyer.
(Shouting, Chattering Continue)
- (Shouting Continues)
(Speaking, Inaudible)