The island of Cape Breton,the northeastern end of Nova Scotia...
is just a small chunk of landsticking out into the Atlantic.
Roads haven't been built througheverywhere yet.
You mostly have to come in from the sea.
It needs an old hand to navigatethrough the shoals offshore...
especially during the storms that come upsuddenly in the summertime...
and the little lighthousehas saved many a life.
The village isn't much to shout about.
Just a quiet, peaceful place wherethe people are proud of their church...
built with their own hands and whatlittle money they could scrape up.
Their farms don't bring in much...
but for a few months each yearwhen the cod are running...
there's a lot of excitement.
You should see the harbor then,alive with boats.
They leave the women to take careof the potatoes and livestock...
and put out to sea.
Not many of them are lucky enoughto have their own boat...
but they all get a sharewhen the catch is paid for at the cannery.
A fair-sized haul means everything.It means food for the long winter...
new blades for tools,grain bought for cattle.
That's why we watch each vesselas she comes in...
to see how low she sets in the water.
Floyd, come on back hereand give us a hand with these fish.
Fergus, tack in on that line.Help get this catch ashore.
Get that unloading net aboard.
- How many drags did you make?- Two, three hours.
Take it away.
Get that boom over.
Don't tie it off, get it back onboard.
I don't want to hang around all dayon this reeking wharf.
- Look out!- Hook's in his shoulder.
Hey, Dan'I!
- Do you know where the doctor is?- Sure, he's dead.
No, the new doctor. Same place. Get.Hurry up, bring him back, quick.