- Can I help you, pardner?- If you please.
- What do you wanna do with it?- Right up over there.
That's it.
- I guess you're leaving.- You're a good guesser.
Goodbye, Willie. And thank youfor being the only man here
not to make an indecent proposal.
If I'd had my strength I might have.
Tell her to sing loud and watch outfor the manager's hands.
Good luck, Billie.
- Say, can a fella eat in here?- Sure, go right on in.
(Horse neighs)
- Can you care for a horse?- Sure.
Henry, got a customer.Wants you to stable his horse.
That's just fine.
- What's your name?- Link Jones.
- Link Jones? J-O-N-E-S?- That's right.
Where you from?
Oh, west of here five days... Good Hope.
How much do you charge?
Two bits a day. A dollar in advance.
Tom, take care of his horse, will you?
- Where can a fellow wash up around here?- Out there in back.