Posto, Il
- Domenico.- Go on, let him sleep.
- Well, you know...- Oh, Lord.
All right, you tell himto do his best.
He's not a child anymore.He knows what to do.
- Okay. Is there ham in here?- Yes.
You don't get chances like thisevery day.
Tell him to do his best.
Can you do me a favor?
Could you go to the store?I've run out of oil.
- What kind of oil?- The one in the can.
- Okay, bye.- Bye.
- Franco.- What?
Hurry up.You still have homework to do.
Okay, I'm coming.
''For those who livein the towns of Lombardy,
Milan is the place to find a job.''
It's always the same with you.
You have plenty of time,
but you wait till the last minute.
Your father is always upset.
One of these days he'll get tired of this.
- Where are my books?- In the kitchen, I bet.
Look at him. He can't evenkeep track of his books.