The Japanese ambassador just arrived.He should be up shortly.
Thank you.
The Japanese are stalling, Henry.
You know that.
When Nomura took over as ambassador...
...I had some hopes of settlingour differences.
But our meetings so farhave been unproductive.
He brings me proposals,I offer compromises.
He brings me counterproposals,and so on.
I tell you, Henry,Nomura was sent here to buy time.
That's what he's doing,at our expense.
The president thinks he's...
...a man we can trust and deal with.
Mr. Ambassador, we meet again.
It is always a pleasure.
I assume you know Mr. Stimson,the head of our War Department.
Oh, yes, of course.
Mr. Ambassador.
I do hope, Mr. Stimson...
...your presence heredoesn't indicate anything ominous.
Of course not, Mr. Nomura.
Mr. Nomura, won't you please sit down?
Thank you.
Well, since our last talka week ago...
...I have received a certain...
...shall we say...
...question from my government...
...to put to youto clarify certain matters.