If we look at the base of a brainwhich has just been removed from a skull,
there's very little of the midbrainthat we can actually see.
Yet, as I demonstratedin my lecture last week,
if the under aspects of the temporal lobesare gently pulled apart,
the upper portion of the stemof the brain can be seen.
This so-called brainstemconsists of the midbrain,
a rounded protrusion called the pons,
and a stalk tapering downwardscalled the medulla oblongata
which passes out of the skullthrough the foramen magnum
and becomes, of course, the spinal cord.
Are there any questions before we proceed?
I have one question, Dr Frankenstein.
That's Fronkonsteen.
I beg your pardon?
My name. It's pronounced "Fronkonsteen".
But aren't you the grandsonof the famous Dr Victor Frankenstein,