Radar Control,this is Prison Transport 9961
requesting permission to land.Over.
We've been expecting you,PT 9961.
Please confirm payload.Over.
Crite prisoners...eight of them. Over.
There seems to bea problem, PT 9961.
My advance notice cubestates there should be
10 Crite prisoners aboard your ship.Please explain. Over.
We did have 10at one time,
but the Crites wereeating everything in sight.
We had to kill two of themto make the food last longer. Over.
Roger, PT 9961.
You're cleared for landingin docking bay B.
Send Crite prisonersthrough detox and immunization.
Put them in the termination lockas soon as you land.
Shock control will bestanding by. Over.
Roger, Radar Control.
This is Warden Zanti.
Get Shock Control overto the termination lock.
The Crites areup to something.
Explosion in termination lock.
Damage report.
Two deadand three wounded, sir.
- Escapes?- The Crites. All eight of them.
The Crites have stolen a ship!
Get the bounty hunters.