Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Are you Doctor Margaret Ford?
Could I ask you, would you sign my book?
Yes, of course.
I recognised you from your picture.
- I hope I'm not inconveniencing you.- Not at all.
It's for a friend.It's the second one I bought.
Then I'm doubly pleased.Thank you for buying it.
You've helped me very much.
I'm very glad I have.
Thank you.
(woman) And I saw the face of an animal.
And I said that we all tryto run from experience -
from experience, do you understand me? -but that it will seek us out.
You think that you're exempt?
I'm talking to you.Do you think that you're exempt?
Do I think that I'm exempt?That I'm exempt from what?
- Experience.- No, I don't think that I'm exempt.
Well, you'd better be assured you're not.
- What is the animal?- The animal?
You said in your dream,you saw the face of an animal.
- I don't know how to say it. It was...- Yes?