1879. The Civil War is over,
and the resulting economic explosionspurs the great migration west.
Farmers, ranchers, prospectors,killers and thieves...
seek their fortunes.
Cattle drovers turn cow townsinto armed camps...
with murder rates higher than thoseof modern-day New York or Los Angeles.
Out of this chaos comeslegendary lawman Wyatt Earp,
retiring his badge and gun to starta peaceful life with his family.
Earp's friendJohn 'Doc' Holliday...
a Southern gentlemanturned gunman and gambler...
also travels west, hoping the dryclimate will relieve his tuberculosis.
Silver is discoveredin Arizona.
Tombstone becomesqueen of the boomtowns,
where the latest Paris fashions are soldfrom the backs of wagons.
Attracted to thisatmosphere of greed,
over 100 exiled Texas outlawsband together...
to form the ruthless gang recognizedby the red sashes they wear.
They emerge as the earliest exampleof organized crime in America.
They call themselves'The Cowboys'