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"Miracle on 34th Street" torrent
Late 1994
Large Release.
Mixed Reviews
Thin Acceptance
– Directed by Les Mayfield
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– Language
Miracle on 34th Street
Miracle on 34th Street (also titled The Big Heart in the UK) is a 1947 film which tells the story of a gentle old man, working as a Santa Claus at Macy's department store in New York City, who contends that he is the real deal. The movie was written by Valentine Davies and director George Seaton; Davies also penned a short story version of the tale which was published simultaneously with the film's release.
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Miracle on 34th Street
:01:43 - Spørg ham.
- Shh.
:01:48 - Spørg ham.
- Shh!
:01:53 Se på ham, bedstefar.
Spørg ham!
:01:56 Ryan, så er det nok.
:02:00 Undskyld.
Han, ... tror du er julemanden.
:02:12 Det er jeg også.
:02:15 Glædelig jul.
:02:17 Øh, ..glædelig jul.
:02:20 Pokkers!
Jeg skulle have fået hans autograf.