They were heard screaming at eachother for 2 hours. Nothing new.
Then they heard the gun go off.Both barrels.
A crime of passion.
Just look at all the passionon that wall.
This is a done deal.All but the paperwork.
Did the kid see it?
The kid?
What kind of question's that?
We'll be real glad when we get rid ofyou, Somerset. Always these questions.
"Did the kid see it?"Who gives a fuck?
He's dead.His wife killed him.
Anything else has nothingto do with us.
Detective Somerset?
I'm Detective Mills.
Just get in town 20 minutes ago,they dump me here.
- Let's find a bar. Sit and talk...- I'd like to get to the precinct.
Not much time forthis transition thing.
I had a question,when we spoke on the phone.
Why here?
I don't follow.
Well, all this effortto get transferred.
It's the first questionthat popped into my head.