Narrator:People are always asking me
ifI know Tyler Durden.
Tyler: 3 minutes.
Tyler: 3 minutes.
This is it: ground zero.
Would you like to say a fewwords to mark the occasion?
Narrator: With a gun barrelbetween your teeth,
you speak only in vowels.
I can't thinkofanything.
For a secondI totally forget
about Tyler's wholecontrolled demolition thing,
and I wonderhow clean that gun is.
Tyler: Gettingexciting now.
That old saying,
howyou always hurtthe oneyou love?
Well, it works both ways.
[Police Sirens]
We have front row seats
for this theaterofmass destruction.
The demolitions committeeof Project Mayhem
wrapped the foundationcolumns ofa dozen buildings
with blasting gelatin.In 2 minutes,
primary chargeswill blow base charges
and a few square blocks
will be reducedto smoldering rubble.
I know this...
because Tyler knows this.
2 1 /2.
Think ofeverythingwe've accomplished.
And suddenly, I realizethat all ofthis:
the gun, the bombs,the revolution...
has got something to do witha girl named Marla Singer.
Bob. Bob had bitch-tits.
This was a support group formen with testicular cancer.
The big mooseyslobbering all over me,
that was Bob.
We're still men.
Yes, we're men.
Men is what we are.
8 months ago, Bob'stesticles were removed.
Then hormone therapy.He developed bitch-tits
because his testosteronewas too high,
and his bodyupped the estrogen.
And that was where I fit...
They're gonna have toopen up my pecs again
and drain the fluid.
Narrator: Between those huge,sweating tits
that hung enormous the wayyou'd think ofGod's as big.
OK. You cry now.
No, wait. Back up.Let me start earlier.
For 6 months,I couldn't sleep.
Echo: I couldn't sleep.I couldn't sleep.
With insomnia,nothing's real.