From the start it was good.In the beginning, it was really good.
When it first started, we...
First started seeing each other,going out together...
...just the two of us, doing things.
Well, it always is.
- Isn't it always that way?- Isn't it?
- Christ. The energy we had.- The fun we had.
The times we spent.
- Doing nothing sometimes.- Doing everything.
- It didn't matter what we did.- Anything.
- It was just so good.- It was like a drug.
Every day, whatever I was doing,the whole world was beautiful.
Everything that didn't make sensebefore, all of a sudden...
It was being alive again.
It was like I'd been dead,and now I was alive again.
Hope, I guess. That's what it was.
Believing in everythingagain, you know?
I liked the way I looked.I stopped checking the scale.
- I stopped smoking. I stopped smoking.- I stopped punishing myself.
- I felt good about myself.- I felt like I could do anything.
I used to get so excitedI would shake.
Every time I knewI was going to see him...
...there was, like, this electricitycoming out of me.