We live on Fortune Shell Islandin Taiwan.
A hundred years ago there wasno TV here, no bars, no karaoke.
Just a small fishing villagein which a young couple lived.
They were in love. The kind oflove that feels like it's supposed to.
One day when the man was fishingin the ocean, a storm sank his boat.
The woman saw it and shouted: "Bu!",which is Mandarin for "no".
She dove into the ocean to rescue him,and they were never heard from again.
Some say they found each otherin the afterlife.
Some say they turned into dolphins -
- because once they find a mate,they never part.
Of all the dolphins on Earth, -
- only the ones on Fortune Shell Islandmake the sound: "Bu!".
How about that?
What do you guys know?
That story is so depressing.
- Mind your eavesdropping.- Gee, sorry.
- Are you hungry, honey?- No.
When I ask a question,you might not always say "no".
You were the one who called me Bu, Ma.
I need a little help here.
Don't talk to our daughterin so many different languages!
Look at her. Half the time she speaksTaiwanese, half the time Mandarin, -
- the other half, she speaks English.