Why Emmet Ray?Because he was interesting.
To me, Emmet Ray wasa fascinating character.
I was a huge fan of hiswhen I was younger.
I thought he wasan absolutely great guitar player...
and he was funny.
You know, or...
if funny's the wrong word,then sort of pathetic in a way.
He was flamboyantand he was, you know...
boorish and obnoxious.
Well, the problem is that there'sjust so little known about him.
But we do know thathe was a great guitar player.
I'd say he was probably the secondgreatest guitar player in the world.
Django Reinhardt was the best...
and believe me,Emmet idolized Django.
He was in awe of him.
There's a story that says when hesaw him playing in France, he fainted.
He saw Django again at a restaurantin Germany, and he fainted again.
It seems that every time...
Django would always make him faintor he'd make him cry.
Well, his relationship with Hattieis mostly what's known about him.
There are a few Emmet Raystories before that...
but I have no idea whetherthey're true or not.
First time anybody seemedto have heard of him was in Chicago.
It was at this roadside joint.
Good to see you tonight.
- Where the hell is he?- I don't know.
You gotta get him, Dan.He's layin' drunk somewhere.
- He's probably in a poolroom.- Every night it's somethin' else.
He's late. He gets drunk.He falls off the bandstand.
- I told you not to hire this guy.- What time does Emmet Ray go on?
Look at the crowd.Think they're here to see me?
Relax. I'll find him.
I'm gonna have tohold the show again.
I'll kill this guy.I don't care what kind of artist he is.
You take care of business.I'll find him. Just relax.
Hey, good to see you again.
That's 50 more you owe me.
I'm not goin' out of town.Another one?