And just a reminder,ladies and gentlemen...
this fine young fighterwill be right here in Pittsburgh...
on the boxing cardthis Monday night.
Time now for the main eventof the evening!
In this corner,from Paterson, New Jersey...
wearing the white trunkswith the black stripe...
the winner of 18of his last 21 fights...
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter!
And in the left corner...
in the dark trunkswith the white stripe...
from St Thomas, Virgin Islands...
the welterweight championof the world, Emile Griffith!
Fighters, let's go.
All right.
All right. Keep your punches up.It's gonna be a good, clean fight...
all right?
All right. Let's touch gloves.Good luck. Okay, go to your corners.
Hurricane, blow yourselfoutta here!
Go get him, Rubin.
Let's get him.
Come on and get me!I'm in here!
I'll tell you what. First onethrough that door is gonna die!
And the second one, and the third oneafter that! So come on!
Room in here for everybody.
Collins! Becker!Klein on the platform!
- Kelly, lock everything down!- Go!
It's Carter, tier one!
Got room in here for everybody!So come on!