Good morning, LA.Michael Horn on CRN Radio.
Another gorgeous day here, exceptforthe blackouts and tremors.
We can't do muchabout these tremors...
we do live on one of the mostactive fault lines in the world.
But the blackouts,that's another matter.
Why can't these energy companiesgenerate enough electriclty?
That's ourtopic fortoday,the lines are open.
Call me on CRN.Hi, you're on the air.
Hi, Mike. This is Raymond,CulverClty.
- How you doing?- I couldn't agree more.
My wife and I like to eat bycandlelight, but 3 days in a row?
Here we go again! Hang on everyone,It's another rollercoaster.
Boy, lt's a big one this time!
I hope you got something to holdon to, the ground's shaking. My God!
The building is starting to sway!
Boy, that was something! Paul...
we need to find howbig that one was...
The real deal, bro.
So why don't you keepyour real deal shut?