Gretchen, stop trying
to make "fetch" happen.
It's not going to happen.
"Why should Caesar get to stomp
around like a giant
"while the rest of us try not to get
smushed under his big feet?
"What's so great about Caesar?
"Brutus is just as cute as Caesar.
"OK, Brutus is just
as smart as Caesar.
"People totally like Brutus just
as much as they like Caesar.
"And when did it become
OK for one person
"to be the boss of everybody?
"Because that's not
what Rome is about!
"We should totally just stab Caesar!"
Gretchen Wieners had cracked.
OK, if you even knew how mean
she really is.
You know that I'm not allowed
to wear hoop earrings, right?
Yeah. Two years ago, she told me
that hoop earrings were her thing
and that I wasn't allowed
to wear them anymore.
And then for my Hanukkah,
my parents got me this pair
of really expensive white-gold hoops.
And I had to pretend
like I didn't even like them,
and it was so sad.
And you know she cheats on Aaron?
Yes. Every Thursday he thinks
she's doing SAT prep.
But really, she's hooking up with
Shane Oman in the projection room
above the auditorium,
and I never told anybody that,
...l'm such a good friend.
Jackpot. Gretchen's secret
had put the plan back in motion.
After Christmas break,
we tried every Thursday
to help Aaron catch Regina
in the act.
Hey, what's up?