- Any of you boys got change for 10 cents?- No, sir.
Well, keep the baggage.
Tickets for the West at this window!
One ticket for the West, end of line.
Yes, sir. That'll be $70, please.
There's your $70.
Don't bother counting it.
- There's only $60 here.- I told you not to count it.
You need $10 more.
It's highway robbery.No wonder you're behind bars.
I'll get that other $10.
Someday I'll be president of this railroad,and when I am...
Hey, mister.
Is this the right way for my brotherto get on the train for the West?
Not unless they're throwinga masquerade party out West, it isn't.
- All we wanna know is where's the train.- The train? It's out on the tracks.
It seldom comes in here.