The show must go on
The show must go on
To answer all the clamorFor oomph and glamour and so on
To captivate Tom, Dick and HarryEach Matilda, Kay and Carrie
Cleopatra and DuBarryPuts her show on
Way back in historyOld Adam didn't give a care
There was no mysteryA rag, a bone, a hank of hair
But since humanityDiscovered vanity
We only know the show must go on
We only know the show must go on
This clever lyrical endeavorCould probably go on forever
But all we're saying is what you know
That glamour is a woman's show
The show most people like to view
Is evident in burlesque
That show must go on
The show must go on
The show must go on
To answer all the clamorFor oomph and glamour and so on
But since humanityDiscovered vanity
We only know the show must go on
But the show we showIs different because
We don't depend on thisNor this for applause
That sort of thingWe scornfully dismiss