Where is our navy?
Three months have passed
since the tragedyat Pearl Harbor...
1 2 die as Jap submarinesstrike near San Francisco.
Committee demands probeof navy failure to fight.
Where is our navy?Why doesn't it fight?
We cannotanswer that question.
We must force ourselvesnot to listen to it.
We do not intendto tell theJapanese
how badly our navywas damaged at Pearl Harbor.
Since December the 7 th,
our prewar strategyis useless.
The defenseof the Aleutians
and our Pacific Coastwith the Hawaiis
at the apexof the Triangle
is almost impossible
with what remainsof our navy.
But we are not consideringa defensive campaign.
You all realize
I'm indulging inno false heroics
when I say
our only hopeof evading destruction
is to destroythe enemy.
TheJapanese have won
a quick and staggeringsuccession of victories.
They're aiming nowat the final knockout--
the captureof Pearl Harbor.
To accomplish this,
they must firsttake Midway.
If they are permitted
to choose the timeand conditions of attack,
we haven'tmuch of a chance,
but if we can trick theminto meeting us
when they thinkwe are weak,
we then have a chance
of cutting their navydown to our size