Call Northside 777
In the year 1871...
...the Great Fire nearlydestroy Chicago.
But out of he ashes ofthat catastrophe...
...rose a new Chicago.
A city of brick and brawn...
...concrete and guts...
...with a short historyof violence...
...beating in its pulse.
That history is on the record...
...and the record is keptby the newspapermen...
...who have madeChicago's papers great.
No period in Chicago's history...
...was more violent thanthe years of Prohibition.
The rise and fall ofthe bootlegging empires...
...was written in bloodand bullets.
In 1932...
...there were 365 murderscommitted in Chicago...
:01:59 for each day of the year.
Eight policemen were shot downin the line of duty.
One of the most ruthlessof these murders...
...occurred onDecember 9th, 1932...
...on South Ashland Avenue...
:02:13 a place operatedby a woman named...
...Wanda Skutnik.
Wanda Skutnik's storein the Polish district...
...was the front for a speakeasy.
You got change for a twenty?
That's all right. Pay me next time.
Wanda, you're looking at a guythat's coming down with a cold.
Sit down.Thanks.