''The days of man are but as grass...
''...for he flourishethas the flower of the field.
''For as soon as the wind goes over it,it is gone...
''...and the place thereofshall know it no more.
''The merciful goodness of the Lordendureth forever and ever...
''...upon them that fear Him...
''...even upon such as keep His covenant...
''...and think upon His commandmentsand do them.
''The Lord hath preparedhis seat in Heaven...
''...and His kingdom ruleth over all.
''For as much as it hath pleasedAlmighty God...
''...in His great mercy to take upon Himselfthe soul of our sister...
''...Catherine Earnshaw Linton...
''...we therefore commit her bodyto the ground.
''Earth to earth.
''Ashes to ashes.
''Dust to dust.
''ln sure and certain hope of theresurrection to the eternal life...
''...through our Lord, Jesus Christ...
''...to change our vile body to be like...
''...unto His glorious bodyaccording to the mighty working...