Come on, boys!
The way you're lollygagging around herewith them picks and them shovels...
...you'd think it was 120°...
It cant' be more than 114.
Dock that Chink a day's payfor napping on the job.
Now, come on, boys, where's yourspirit? I don't hear no singing.
When you were slaves,you sang like birds.
Go on. How about a goodold nigger work song?
"I get no kick from champagne.
"Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all.
"So tell me why should it be true...
"... that I get a belt out of you?
"Some get a kick from cocaine. "
What the hell is that shit?
I meant a song. A real song.
Something like...
"Swing low, sweet chariot... "