Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I would like to propose a toast...
to Michael and Elizabeth Courtland...
this world's last romantics.
Happy tenth anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
And if you'll allow me,a special toast to this man...
a man of endless energyand ambition...
the cream of the new South...
my dear friendand new senior partner...
in what will soon be the finest realestate development in New Orleans...
the new Pontchartrain Estates!
Thank you, Bob.
Bob has very generouslyreferred to me...
as part of the creamof the new South.
I think that might bea little bit genteel for me.
I would be more inclinedto consider myself more of...
oh, skim milk of the Middle Westor something.
I would hope...
that we could directthose qualities...
to try and retain...
for the new South...
some of the graceful valuesof the old South.