[ Thunder Rumbling ]
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Woman ]Good evening, everyone,
and welcome to a Powell Pay-Per-Viewtelevision event !
It's hard to believe,but tonight's heavyweight fight...
is the swan song for the grandold Atlantic City Arena,
the final event to be heldin this storied hall...
before it is guttedand completely renovated...
as part of Gilbert Powell'sMillennium Hotel and Casino.
I'm eager to go ringsidealong with 14,000 fight fans...
who have bravedHurricane Jezebel to--
[ Man ]Cut ! Cut !
Anthea, they want you to call ita tropical storm, not a hurricane.
But it is a hurricane.
Yeah, well, it's alsoa holiday weekend,
so will you please just call ita tropical storm, please ?
I love this town.They even spin the weather.
All right, listen. We gotta go liveon this one, so don't screw it up.
And, Al, I think that's Powell goingin there with Secretary Kirkland.
Zoom in on themduring the intro.
- Anyway, why can'tI do this from inside ? - All right, we're rolling.
- Why do I have tostand out here like a-- - Five, four, three,
- a weather bimbo ?- two, one, go !
Good evening, everyone,
and welcome to a Powell Pay-Per-Viewtelevision event.
Well, the lucky ones are alreadyinside at the fight...
as the first tasteof Tropical Storm Jezebel...
Iashes the boardwalk outsidethe grand old Atlantic City Arena.
It's hard to believe,but tonight's heavyweight fight...
is the swan songfor this storied hall.
The final event to be held herebefore it is gutted--
What do we got ?Thirty, forty seconds ?
Where's Janine ?My hair looks like shit ?
I'm on TV ?I'm on TV ?
Come on, for Christ's sake.I'm on in 30 seconds. Will ya ?
- I think people would votefor this face. Don't you ? - Yeah, blind people.
That's the only wayyou get anywhere these days.
You gotta get your big,fat smile all over the tube.
Hi. Rick Santoro.Hello. Richard Santoro.
[ Screams ]I'm Ricky !
- Hey, you down on the fight yet ?- Oh, shit. I forgot. You seen Jimmy George ?