God bless America!We made it back!
Times Square, believe me.is wall-to-wall people.
human beings bent on havingthe greatest party ever
and being in on a bit of this history.
What a night this is!What a thrill!
Our boys are coming home.
and a lot of them are here right now.right in the middle of this chaos.
I've talked to them.
They're from Arkansas.;Colorado.; Seattle. Washington.;
Los Angeles.;Aberdeen. Washington.
Looking around Times Squareat this very minute.
people are deliriously happy.
They're holding up newspaperswith huge 8-to-10 inch headlines...
"V-J Day." it says."War's End." "It's Over. "
Now they're huggingand kissing each other.
shouting wordsof cheer and encouragement.
And still, paper by the ton keepsflowing out of the windows
high, high above us.
... and the USO shows, too.
Our hats are off to all of thosepeople in show business
who traveled the world
entertaining our men and womenoverseas and here at home.
Times Square is happy.New York is happy.
the United States is happy.and the world is at peace.