Crazy-drivin' motherfucker.
-Shit.-Come on.
Marvin, what are you doin'?
-He's mine. Get lost.-He's yours? He's mine.
Eddie assigned him to me.
Then go talk to Eddie.l'll collect the money.
l almost got killed tryin' to get this guy.He shot at me--
Back off, goddamn it!l said l'm takin' him, all right?
-All right, Marvin.-This guy's worth $1,200!
Marvin. What are we fightin' for?We're friends--
Nothin' personal, Jack, but fuck off!
Take it easy. Jesus!
Marvin, watch out!
What the fuck's goin' on?You guys ain't cops.
No, we're ballet dancers.
Didn't your mother teach youhow to react to strangers?
Not shoot at them?
Thanks for the car.
You sleep,and l'll bring it back a little later.