We're hiring 250 trainees
for Hansen Factory.
Enterprising young men are welcome.
$8 a month, 13 months.
We take first month.
Pay $2 to register. Line up there.
Must be diligent; no bad habits.
First month's pay asintroduction fee, too stiff!
Keep order please.
250 vacancies.
Only $2 to register.
Great chance. Line up.
Cashier wanted.
Primary education. $12 a month.
One month's introduction fee.Anybody?
l'll take it.
Come over here.
What are you good at?
Kung fu and acrobatics.
They're useless. Can you handle abacus.
l can.
Got a shop guarantor.
Shop guarantor?
Or cash guarantee.Do you have money?
l surely do.
Fine. $30. Your name?
Kuo Cheng Wah, from Canton.
Am l to pay cash right now?
Of course. And the job is yours.
Say, do you want the job?
Yes, but l've got only $25.
Pay me the difference later.
Report to duty tomorrowat this address.
Hurry. 250 vacanciesat Hansen Factory.
Seems you're in time.Luck's with you.
Line up there.
Thanks.$2 to register.
Why're you here?This is not Hansen Textiles.
Each of us paid $2 yesterday.
Who took your $2?
Correct address.
But no such company.
lt's difficult to find ajobin Hong Kong.
Go now.
You were conned.
lf you refuse, l'll get police.
Robbery! Robbery!
Now what?
An expensive $2 lesson.
We're lucky.