Frankenstein! Frankenstein!
Frankenstein! Frankenstein!
Bring him down to the village,and let's make it home.
I thought I knew all about monsters.
I used to watch them late at nighton Dad's TVshow.
After we moved to Oakland, he stoppeddoing kids'shows, because he was different now.
Everything was different.
Now he was Al Gory,monster of ceremonies at Midnight Shriek
Oh, Al?
What?Oh, it's you again
So, anyway, before we dig into our second feature...
I have to pay a visitto my aging mother
She would'vewanted me to have this
It was on real late,way past my bedtime.
Dad didn't let me stay up to see it, so I usedto wait for Mrs. Sampson to fall asleep...
Hold it Hold itI think that was a good one
and sneakinto his bedroom to watch.
But then I'd get scared,alone in his room at night...
and I wouldn't know why.
I didn't know yet whatI was going to learn that year:
That monsters are real.
We hadsort ofjust picked up and left Syracuse...
crossing the country,finding a house...
the three of us taking careof all the grown-up stuff together.
Here I'll get that
- Who is it?- I got that