Saturday evening,...
..and the universe is much the same as atany other point in the history of the world.
The planets and stars orbit and spin,and do everything that is expected of them.
On earth, as the sun sets,...
..millions prepare for a weekly eventwhich is far less predictable.
In 63 countries around the world,...
..dozens of lottery machinesspin hundreds of lottery balls.
It takes secondsfor the winning numbers to be selected,...
..seconds for the losersto realise they have lost.
But, for the winners, it is an event whichwill undoubtedly change their lives for ever.
Lucky sods!
(TV) Welcome to the NationaI Lottery'sweekend draw for Saturday 21st August.
We're coming to you live tonightfrom the very heart of Dublin.
As we speak - calculating the total amountof the jackpot to be claimed tonight.
We shall be updating youon the total jackpot and all the news...
..in our round-up programmewhich follows directly after the news.
For now, let's concentrate on the gamein hand, and get this week's draw under way.
- Match six numbers...- Annie, where's my ticket?