I was a failure, and I'd getvery sad and depressed about it...
and I can't be that no more,
'cause I really feellike I betrayed myself big time.
I know when I was growing upI had all the potential in the world.
Now I'm back to being Markwho has a beer in his hand...
and is thinking aboutthe great American script and movie.
And this time, I cannot fail.I won't fail. It's not in me.
You don't get second chancesand mess 'em up. You'd be a fool to.
Not just finishing films orgetting some money, but it's right now.
I feel like it's five,ten, fifteen years ago...
and now I've got the same options again,and this time, I'm not gonna fail.
This time, it's most importantnot to fail, just to drink and dream...
but rather, to create and complete.
When did you first get involvedand how and why?
Well, I think I had donea radio show with Mark first.
As part of the radio show, he mentionedother projects he was doing.
Not the eleventh hour.This is the twelfth hour.
Lisa and Uncle Ed, radio show.
"Dear girl, do you know what you possessin your hand and its capabilities?
Do you haveany reasonable semblance--"
What we're doing right here--It's past 3:00. It's--
Oh, my God, it's twenty after 3:00.
We've got to get these pages printedand get them straight to the copier.
We've got madmen puttingscarecrows up front. God knows why.
They have no purpose to this show,but I like to keep the troops motivated.
Idle hands are know to be the devil'sworkshop, so we wanna keep things along.
Sitting here,you're asking me questions.
I'm trying to get this finished.I've got people walking around.
I wish I could give 'em destinies,but I have to adhere to this keyboard.