( two loud guushots )
( men shouting and whooping )
( battlefield gunfire )
NARRATOR:During the Civil War, the only
lawmen in Southern Texas--
the Texas Rangers-- disbandedto fight for the Confederacy.
Ranger Captain LeanderMcNellywas also the local preacher.
He left his family and ministryto fight alongside his men.
After the war, McNellyreturned to a defeated Texas
and found his wifeand three sous gone--
taken by bandits.
In the ten yearssince the war's end
bandits have overrunsouthern Texas.
Now, the governoris looking for McNelly.
They say he wants torecommission the Texas Rangers.
( thunder rumblingin the distance )
( man coughs )
( grunting with effort )
( thunder rumbling )
( horse neighing )
( horse whinnies )