(stringed glissando playing )
NARRATOR:Royal Tenenbaum bought
the house on ArcherAvenue
in the winterofhis 35th year.
(instrumental""HeyJude""plays )
Overthe nextdecade
he and his wifehad three children
and then theyseparated.
Areyougetting divorced?
At the moment, no...but... it doesn"t look good.
Do you still love us?
Ofcourse l do.
Do you still love Mom?
Yes, very much, butyourmother"s asked me to leave
and l must respecther position on the matter.
ls it ourfault?
Obviously,we made certain sacrifices
as a result of having children,but, uh...
no, Lord, no.
Then why"d she askyou to leave?
l don"t really know anymore.
Maybe, uh, l wasn"t as trueto her as l could"ve been.
Well, she said...
Let"sjust drop it
shall we, uh, Chassie?
NARRATOR:Theywere never
Thankyou, Pagoda.
NARRATOR:Etheline Tenenbaum
keptthe house
and raised the children
and theireducation washerhighestpriority.
Yes, l"ll hold, please.
l need $187.
Writeyourselfa check.