- Looting is the best, dude!- That TV, dude, gimme the TV!
Stop it, dude, the TV's crap,they never show anything.
- Get the CD player! - No way,bud, you don't understand nothin'!
The player isn't worth shit.
They get you later with theCD's at twenty bucks a pop.
A microwave then. My oldlady's always dreamed of one!
Nah, dude, they makeeverything taste like rubber.
Don't take that crap!
Whaddya mean crap, dude?The mixer is essential!
Essential for what?
For making shakes,dude, whaddya think.
Ya, dude, you are so right!Shakes! Let's split!
Check it out.What's that?
Hey! Did someone arrangedsomething for tonight?
Let's go!
Stop it, man, let'sfinish the pizza!