Snap out of it, Grubber.Miranda Spear, one o'clock.
-Hey, Oscar.-Hi, Miranda.
-What are you reading?-Voltaire.
You see, Oscar and Iwere just debating on--
Voltaire? Really?
That's so cool.
My friends are waiting,so...see you after break.
All right.I'll see you, Miranda.
Oh, my God,she's totally hot for you.
She's got friends.You're hooking me up.
I'm not asking her out.
What? Why not? She's perfect.
Did you see her hands?
I--I wasn't lookingat her hands.
Experience, wit, intellect--all revealed by the hands.
-Does she have fat hands?-She had hands like a...
Like a steel worker?
She had hands like a...
I worry about you.Oscar. I really do.
Why, because I'm interestedin more than websites?
Because you'refetishizing hands.
I wouldn't call it a fetish.