You know goldfish have onlya three second memory.
That means if it takes 3 secondsto swim around the bowl...
everything is new.
Each time two goldfish meetit's like it's the first time.
It's just like humans really.
Each time we fall in love it's asif we're doing it for the first time.
Some kind of chemical reactionkicks in and wipes out...
all the memories of how painfulthe last heartbreak was...
and we think, "Wow! This is great,this is new, this is different!"
Like women,forgetting the pain of childbirth.
Lovely, so we never change,or learn, or grow.
We simply go round and roundrepeating the same mistakes...
until we die?What's the point?
- Love.- What is love?
I brought you a present.
- Rilke's poems?- Yes.
In German?
Yes. With facing translations.
- Thanks.- Here, look at page 23.
"Again and Again".
"Again and AgainEven knowing the landscape of love
And the little churchyard thereWith it's sorrowing names
And the hauntingly silent abyssInto which the others descend..."
I would think something more like...
...champagne.- I know, bubbles.
- Holy Mother of God!- I'm so sorry! I'm sorry.
Yeah, look, you're fine.