Sometimes, life is so perfect.
Isn't it?
It has to be. To make up for allthe hard stuff it throws your way.
You have to learn to walk.
You have to learn to talk.
You have to wear
that totally ridiculous hatyour grandma bought you.
You have no say in the matter.
And when you're a little older,even though you get to choose your hats,
you don't get to choose what they putin those meatballs at the cafeteria.
Or when to fall in love.
Things happen,and you just have to deal.
And breathe.
Let's just think of the daymy parent's divorce came through
as 'Big, Ugly Hat Day. '
Refer to diagram Bon page 19.
'The Tree of Life. '
And breathe.
Anybody but his ownselfish pleasure.
Mom, please.- Focus.
I couldn't care less aboutyour father's midlife crisis
and complete mockeryof his wedding vows.
I just hope he doesn'texpect me to take...