Early 2004
Large Release.
Mixed Reviews
Moderate Acceptance
High Budget.
– Directed by Kevin Smith
– More The Green Hornet Fletch Won Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Dogma Chasing Amy
– Language
Jersey Girl
Jersey Girl is a 2004 film written and directed by Kevin Smith, and starring Ben Affleck. With its $35 million dollar production budget, the film was Smith's biggest-budget project to date. However, it was a panned by critics and was a box-office bomb, nominated for three Razzie Awards. Jersey Girl is the only one of Smith's films to be set outside his "View Askewniverse" of interlocking characters and stories. The failure of the film could be blamed on the relationship between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez falling apart during the filming of this film, as it was already on rocky ground after the failure of Gigli the year prior.
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Jersey Girl
:00:33 " Toatã lumea sã stea jos."
"Aþi auzit clopoþelul."
:00:36 "ªtiþi ce înseamnã."
"Sãptãmâna trecutã,"
:00:38 tema a fost un eseu
despre propria familie.
:00:45 - Cine...
- ...sunt ei!
:00:49 ªi ce...
:00:51 ...înseamnã pentru noi!
:00:53 Excelent. Deci vreau
sã scoateþi lucrãrile.
:00:57 Le vom citi în faþa clasei.
:01:02 Mama spune cã eu ºi tata avem
un apetit foarte sãnãtos.
:01:09 Mama ºi tata sunt foarte religioºi.
:01:12 Noaptea, când sunt în dormitorul lor,
îi aud strigând tot timpul, ''Iisuse!''
:01:16 Mama zice cã tata are ochi cãprui
fiindcã e plin de cã...
:01:22 Brian!
:01:24 Fratele meu Jack e în clasa a opta.
:01:27 Mi-a zis sã-l întreb pe tata
pe cine a votat...
:01:29 pentru... pentru Preºedinte.
:01:31 Tata a zis cã e un boschetar convins.
("Bush-man" - adept al lui Bush / "bushman" - boschetar) .
:01:34 ªi fratele meu a râs mult de asta.
:01:38 De câte ori unchiul Stu
vine sã joace biliard cu tata,
:01:42 mama zice cã subsolul aratã
ca-ntr-un film cu Cheech ºi Chong.
:01:47 Ei... e aºa.
:01:49 Câinele meu mi-a mâncat lucrarea.
:01:52 Am verificat, dar încã n-a ieºit.
:01:56 Ce sentiment frumos,
dle. Etheridge.
:01:57 Poate câinele va mânca ºi
zero-ul pe care-l veþi primi.