Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
["Life's Been Good"by Joe WalsH playing]
Bobby boy, stay Here wHile Mommypicks up tHe free cHeese, OK?
THis'll keep tHe sunout of your eyes.
You be good, now.
All rigHt, don't you fuckingmove, you little sHit macHine.
Momma's gonna to try to score.
[Carriage squeaks]
WHat tHe Hell?
Excuse me.WHo's watcHing tHese babies?
UH, tHe fat one's watcHingtHe little one.
OH, nice parenting.
Leave tHem out Here like tHatand see wHat Happens.
Yo, fuck you,you fucking square!
Aw, keep on truckin'.
Did you HeartHat fucking guy...
telling me Howto fucking raise you?
Motherfucker, man.
WHo does He fucking tHink He is?
WHat's tHe worst fucking tHingtHat could Happen to you...
standing in frontof a fucking store, rigHt?
Fuck, fuck, fuck...
Fuck, fuck, fuck
Mother, motherfuck,mother, motherfuck, fuck
Motherfuck, motherfuck,noise, noise, noise
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
Noise, noise, noise
Smokin' weed, smokin' wizz
Doin' coke, drinkin' beers
Drinkin' beers, beers, beers
Rollin' fattys, smokin' blunts
Who smokes the blunts,we smoke the blunts
Rollin' blunts and smokin'--
UH, let me get a nickel bag.
Fifteen bucks, little man