First of all,I want to apologize...
for being out of touch so long.
These last few years of my lifebeen real fucked up...
but you probablyalready know that by now.
See me fuckin' with you?
I lost almost everything.
Anyway, I'm sorry I left.
For what it's worth,I think about you every day.
All I want to do is see you die.
You can understand that, right?
But here's the best part...
so pay attention...
'cause if you're readin' this...
it can only mean one thing...
I'm out.
Those of y'all didn't see"State Property l"...
let me run it down to you.
I put togetherthis mean-ass squad in Philly...
took overthe whole fuckin' city.
And I bumped headswith this fuckin' Dame nigga.
This fuckin' niggakidnaps my bitch...
then shoots her girlfriendin the fuckin' head.
So, you know,we went the fuck to war.
Man, we shot up everything.
Then I get bookedfor attempted fuckin' murder.
So you know what I did...
Yeah, I shot upthe whole fuckin' courtroom.
But I don't knowwho this chick is...
shot me in the backof my fuckin' head.
Nah, I'm bullshittin', man.
This is what really went down.
As y'all can see, they got me.
Man, I'm booked.
So let me tell youhow shit went down.
Man, it was about...