Keep that horn going.
Ten fathoms by the mark, sir.
Hoist your pilot signal lights.
Hoist your pilot signal lights.
Haul down your jibs.
Haul down your jibs.
By the deep eight and a sandy bottom, sir.
- Stand by the anchor.- Aye, sir. Standing by.
Right ahead, sir.
- I see it. Right over there.- We're here, boys!
Be quiet down there.
- Who are you?- The Flying Cloud.
220 days out of New York...
...and 15 days trying to find your blasted harbor.
Nobody asked you to come.
You got anythingin this hog-end of the world except fog?
Sure! We've got gold, mountains of gold!
What are our chances?
You're just in time. We're all humpbackedcarrying nuggets around.