The Star of Rhodesia
is one of the most famous
of the Earth's treasures.
First touchedby the fingers
of the humble[unintelligible].
It would havebeen better
had it never been found...
for all thosewho possessed it
came to sudden andviolent death.
Our story opens in London
within the sound of[unintelligible].
In the shadowof Tower Bridge
is the carpenter'sshop of Mock and Son,
coffin makers.
A beautiful jobif I may so.
You'll be sure to have it
at theundertakers in time?
Of course.
The Scotch Expressleaves Uston Station
at 7:30 tonight.
That leavesvery little time
for the arrangementof the body.
Your mother is it not?
You are takingher to Scotland?
Yes, Edinburgh,
her home.
Oh thank you.
Rather a nuisance
traveling by train...
ain't it?
Off with you.
Go on get aboutyour business.