Since the first revelation ofthe atom bomb at Hiroshima in 1945...
the United States, England and Russia...
have been experimenting with moreand more increasingly deadly weapons.
Every day, there is more concentrationon the race for atom supremacy.
Sometimes machines and men,such as Carl Noymann...
are driven beyond the line of endurance.
And when that happens...
In Washington, the accident becamethe subject of an intense discussion...
by high-ranking officials.
Dr. Penner, science is your business.
Protecting this country is mine.
You say we should call an immediate endto nuclear experimentation.
- But you know that's impossible.- Then limit it to experiments for peace.
We've been over all this before.
After what happened,I thought you might think differently.
That's why I flew here.
General, since I can't change your mind...
I am resigning from the Commission.
- I want nothing more to do with the project.- You're being panicked by one incident.
Panicked? The area around Dr. Noymann'slaboratory won't be livable for years.
Every test madesince the explosion yesterday...