Birdman of Alcatraz
You will see all theman-made and natural beauties
of the most spectacular bay in the world.
You'll pass beneaththe famous Golden Gate Bridge,
considered to be one of the moststriking structures ever erected by man.
From the bay, you will thrillto the magnificent San Francisco skyline.
Your cruise ship, the Harbour King,will circle Alcatraz,
a maximum-security prison containingthe most dangerous criminals in America,
and has been the home of suchnotorious figures as Al Capone,
Baby Face Nelsonand Machine Gun Kelly.
That's the island of Alcatraz.
There's a man leaving there todayafter 17 years' imprisonment.
His name is Robert Stroud.
He's spent most of his life behind bars,
including 43 yearsin solitary confinement.
He has never used a telephoneor driven an automobile.
The last time he broke breadwith another human being was in 1916,
the year Kaiser Wilhelm ordered thesinking of the Lusitania in World War I.
My name is Tom Gaddis.I wrote a book about this man.
Our storyproperly begins in the year 1912.
A cargo of rebellious prisonerswas being transferred
from the federal penitentiary at McNeilIsland, Washington, to The Big Top,
the name given by convictsto the prison at Leavenworth, Kansas.