Hey, Curt, you guys gonna havea little bash your last night in town?
Moose has beenlookin' for you all day.
He got worried. Thought you weretryin' to avoid him.
What do you got?
- Oh, great.- That's $2,000, man. $2,000!
Mr. Jennings gave it to meto give to you. He's sorry it's late.
It's the first scholarshipthe Moose Lodge has given out.
He says they're all very proud of youback at the lodge.
- Why don't you hold it for me?- I don't want it. Take it. It's yours.
I'll take it.
Listen, your sister calls.I'll talk to you later.
- Wait a second. She can wait.- Make it short and sweet, huh?
Listen, I don't thinkI'm gonna be going tomorrow.
Come on.What are you talking about?
I was thinkin' I could wait a year,go to City for a while.
You chicken fink.
After all we went throughto get accepted?
We're gettin' out ofthis turkey town...
and now you wanna crawlback into your cell?
You wanna end up like John?You just can't stay 17 forever.